I'm running a port scanner algorithm on Python 3 using VSC on Mac. When running the Scapy function, or any other type of scanner, I get the following error: Scapy_Exception: Permission denied: could not open /dev/bpf0. Make sure to be running Scapy as root ! (sudo)
The code I am using
from scapy.all import *
ports = [25,80,53,443,445,8080,8443]
def SynScan(host):
ans,unans = sr(IP(dst=host)/TCP(dport=ports,flags="S"),timeout=2,verbose=0)
print("Open ports at %s:" % host)
for (s,r,) in ans:
if s.haslayer(TCP) and r.haslayer(TCP):
if s[TCP].dport == r[TCP].sport:
def DNSScan(host):
ans,unans = sr(IP(dst=host)/UDP(dport=53)/DNS(rd=1,qd=DNSQR(qname="google.com")),timeout=2,verbose=0)
if ans:
print("DNS Server at %s"%host)
host = ""
Any help is appreciated.
Just run this script as root user.
sudo python script.py
do install scapy as root user.