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Is there any alternative to goto in Python?

Version: Python 3.7

for obj in group_obj.objects:
        --> move_rotate(obj, T, T_0)
        |   if check_if_cross_wall(obj):
        |       bpy.ops.ed.undo()
        ________from there

            count += 1

Here is my code. My target is to check if the condition is satisfied, and if it is True, it will reverse the operation and goto the first line directly. I think goto is the most suitable way to do this, but I just know goto in C or C++, and Python does not have this.

Is there any other way to do this?

My code logic is:
Move & rotate the object, then check if it crosses the wall. If True, reverse the operation, then move & rotate again and check if it crosses the wall. If False, it will save the current state and go to the next object.


  • No, there is no "goto" in Python. To accomplish the sort of jump you describe, you can use a while loop with a continue statement to move back to the start of the loop and break to exit the loop, like this:

    for obj in group_obj.objects:
        while True:
            move_rotate(obj, T, T_0)
            # as long as this is true, it will keep
            # moving back to the start of the loop
            if check_if_cross_wall(obj):
            # Exit the loop when the condition
            # above wasn't true
        count += 1

    Alternately, you could structure it like this, where it breaks when the condition is false and otherwise just does "undo" and starts over (no continue needed):

    for obj in group_obj.objects:
        while True:
            move_rotate(obj, T, T_0)
            # exit the loop when the condition is false
            if not check_if_cross_wall(obj):
            # otherwise undo and run the loop again
        count += 1