I don't want function to be called every x secs I want a function to be executed after some seconds of its call and rest of program executes in order.
Like in my code I want to call fun_2() in which fun_1() is called which will make separate thread which will come live after x secs and in mean while fun_2() will print the statement then fun_1() will print its statement.
My Code:
import time
def fun_1(tim): # make this to be executed in separated thread
print("Be kind : ) ")
def fun_2():
fun_1(2) #Its call
print(" Be Honest ")
print("After 2 secs")
output should be like this
You don't need to write any code at all. That's exactly what the standard Python library's threading.Timer does. All you have to do is call it.
import threading
def fun_1(): # this will be executed in a separate thread
print("Be kind : ) ")
def fun_2():
threading.Timer(2.0, fun_1).start()
print(" Be Honest ")
print("After 2 secs")