I am trying to use the reactive approach in my angular app and I am having trouble calling a service inside a scan. How do I do this? It seems the service returns an observable - how do I deal with this? Here is the error that I see: Type 'Observable' is not assignable to type 'SomeItemModel'.
itemsWithAdditions$ = merge(this.items$, this.saveItemAction$).pipe(
scan((acc, value) => {
//Check if an array
if (value instanceof Array) {
return this.someService.someMethod(res).pipe(map(res => {
value.forEach(item => {
item.price = res.find(x => x.id === item.id).map(x => x.price);
// Otherwise, add that value to the array
else {
return acc;
}, [] as SomeItemModel[] // this is the initial value for the array
I your case, you need to use mergeScan
if you want to return an observable in a scan
This means, any returned value must be an observable :
itemsWithAdditions$ = merge(this.items$, this.saveItemAction$).pipe(
(acc, value) => {
if (value instanceof Array) {
return this.someService.someMethod(res).pipe( // observable here
map((res) => {
// don't forget to return a value here
value.forEach((item) => {
item.price = res
.find((x) => x.id === item.id)
.map((x) => x.price);
else {
return of(acc); // observable here
[] as SomeItemModel[]
NB: Don't forget to return a value in a map()