New in Pyscript, please spare any dumb mistakes.
Wrote a simple rock-paper-scissor game as below and to run through web browser. It is running fine, but what I need is that in the prompt it asks the user as "Enter r for rock, p for paper and s for scissor:" instead of blank as in the below screenshot.
I tried python.write, but somehow it throws error and not sure how to use it. Any guidance is much appreciated.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script defer src=""></script>
import random
gameAttribute = ['rock','paper','scissor']
print('Welcome','Welcome to ROCK-PAPER-SCISSOR game, Come and try your luck!')
while(count != 5):
count += 1
random_choice = (random.choices(gameAttribute))
computerMove = random_choice[0]
yourMove = input('Enter r for rock, p for paper and s for scissor:')
if yourMove == 'r':
yourMove = 'rock'
elif yourMove == 'p':
yourMove = 'paper'
elif yourMove == 's':
yourMove ='scissor'
print("Choose between the given choice only!")
print('computer move: {} '.format(computerMove))
print("Your move:", yourMove)
if yourMove == computerMove:
print("It's a tie!\n")
elif yourMove == 'rock' and computerMove == 'paper':
comChoice += 1
print('You lose!\n')
elif yourMove == 'rock' and computerMove == 'scissor':
yourChoice += 1
print('You Win!\n')
elif yourMove == 'paper' and computerMove == 'rock':
yourChoice += 1
print('You Win!\n')
elif yourMove == 'paper' and computerMove == 'scissor':
comChoice += 1
print ('You lose!\n')
elif yourMove == 'scissor' and computerMove == 'paper':
yourChoice += 1
print('you Win!\n')
elif yourMove == 'scissor' and computerMove == 'rock':
comChoice += 1
print('You lose!\n')
print('Invalid choice made!, choose between r,s,p only \n')
if yourChoice > comChoice:
print('Congratulations! You have won the game')
elif comChoice > yourChoice:
print('You have lost the game.Better luck next time!')
elif yourChoice == comChoice:
print('Tough Competition! It is a tie')
</py-script> </body>
Probably it's more elegant to use a HTML form
to ask the user for inputs. I just imported bulma
for nicer elements.
Additionally there is a bug already reported covering you issue.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
<!-- BULMA CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/css/bulma.min.css">
<!-- PYSCRIPT -->
<script defer src=""></script>
<!-- UI -->
<div id="div1" class="container">
<div class="section">
<h4 class="title is-4">
Welcome to ROCK-PAPER-SCISSOR game, Come and try your luck!
<input id="userInput"
class="input is-info"
placeholder="have a guess"></input>
<label id="labelMessage" class="tag">Enter r for rock, p for paper and s for scissor:</label>
<button id="submit-guess-btn"
class="button is-primary"
pys-onClick="scissorGuess">Make A Guess</button>
<div class="section">
<pre id=log></pre>
import random
gameAttribute = ['rock','paper','scissor']
userElement = document.getElementById('userInput')
logElement = document.getElementById('log')
def scissorGuess(*args, **kwargs):
global count, yourChoice, comChoice, userElement, logElement
if count < 5:
count += 1
random_choice = (random.choices(gameAttribute))
computerMove = random_choice[0]
yourMove = userElement.value.strip()
if yourMove == 'r':
yourMove = 'rock'
elif yourMove == 'p':
yourMove = 'paper'
elif yourMove == 's':
yourMove ='scissor'
logElement.innerHTML += "{}. Choose between the given choice only!\n".format(yourMove)
logElement.innerHTML += 'computer move: {}\n'.format(computerMove)
logElement.innerHTML += "Your move: {}\n".format(yourMove)
if yourMove == computerMove:
logElement.innerHTML += "It's a tie!\n"
elif yourMove == 'rock' and computerMove == 'paper':
comChoice += 1
logElement.innerHTML += 'You lose!\n'
elif yourMove == 'rock' and computerMove == 'scissor':
yourChoice += 1
logElement.innerHTML +='You Win!\n'
elif yourMove == 'paper' and computerMove == 'rock':
yourChoice += 1
logElement.innerHTML +='You Win!\n'
elif yourMove == 'paper' and computerMove == 'scissor':
comChoice += 1
logElement.innerHTML +='You lose!\n'
elif yourMove == 'scissor' and computerMove == 'paper':
yourChoice += 1
logElement.innerHTML +='you Win!\n'
elif yourMove == 'scissor' and computerMove == 'rock':
comChoice += 1
logElement.innerHTML +='You lose!\n'
logElement.innerHTML += 'Invalid choice made!, choose between r,s,p only \n'
if yourChoice > comChoice:
logElement.innerHTML +='Congratulations! You have won the game\n'
elif comChoice > yourChoice:
logElement.innerHTML +='You have lost the game.Better luck next time!\n'
elif yourChoice == comChoice:
logElement.innerHTML +='Tough Competition! It is a tie\n'