I'm getting this error to initialize my memory database with some data because my sql script to load the data is formatted wrong to H2:
INSERT INTO cup_orchestrator.cpo_environment (`environment_id`,`environment`)
And H2 expected on this way:
INSERT INTO cup_orchestrator.cpo_environment (`environment_id`,`environment`) VALUES(1,'DEV'),(2,'ACT'),(3,'PRD');
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error in SQL statement "INSERT INTO CUP_ORCHESTRATOR.CPO_ENVIRONMENT (`ENVIRONMENT_ID`,`ENVIRONMENT`)[*]"; expected "DIRECT, SORTED, DEFAULT, VALUES, SET, (, WITH, SELECT, TABLE, VALUES"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO cup_orchestrator.cpo_environment (`environment_id`,`environment`)
Is there any plugin in Eclipse to format the sql script in the way that H2 expect? I'm using SQL Editor 1.1.0 but there is no option.
Changed to IntelliJ 2022.1.2 (Ultimate Edition) and solved.