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Angular NgRX return value from map is not observable?

I am trying to understand, why my http Call from AuthService, which returns an Observable<CurrentUserInterface> does not return an observable from inside my NgrX register$ effect function inside the map function:

export class AuthService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {


  register(data: RegisterRequestInterface): Observable<CurrentUserInterface> {
    const url = environment.apiUrl + 'users'
    return<AuthResponseInterface>(url, data).pipe(map((response:AuthResponseInterface) => response.user));

export class RegisterEffect {

  register$ = createEffect(
    () => this.actions$.pipe(
      switchMap(({request}) => {
      return this.authService.register(request).pipe(
        map((currentUser: CurrentUserInterface) => registerSuccessAction({currentUser})),
        catchError(() => of(registerFailureAction()))

  constructor(private actions$: Actions, private authService : AuthService) {


so inside the map((currentUser: CurrentUserInterface), shouldn't it be of type Observable? Why does it still work?

export interface CurrentUserInterface {
  id: number,
  createdAt: string,
  updatedAt: string,
  username: string,
  bio: string | null,
  email: string,
  image: string | null,
  token: string,

export interface AuthResponseInterface {
  user: CurrentUserInterface

export const registerAction = createAction(
  props<{ request: RegisterRequestInterface}>()

export interface RegisterRequestInterface {
  user: {    
    username: string,
    email: string,
    password: string,


  • map is an operator takes a value and returns a value.

    If you want to return another Observable, you need to use higher-order observables, mergeMap, switchMap, exhaustMap, concatMap.

    For more info see

    NgRx wants you to return an Observable, internally NgRx subscribes to the effect and dispatches all emisions to the store.