I work on a website that is build with Wordpress as a headless CMS and I connect it to Gatsby with WPGraphql. Everything worked fine until I tried to add polylang plugin in order to make it multilingual. I added a page with two languages and inside wp-admin graphql playground I was able to fetch pages based on a language.
I activated Polylang and WP GraphQL Polylang in my plugins page.
When I try to do the same in gatsby graphql playground it returns null, my query looks like this:
query MyQuery {
allWpPage(filter: {language: {code: {eq: EN}}}) {
nodes {
Should I configure something within Gatsby repository?
According to this GitHub thread, it seems to be needed the PRO version of Polylang.
If that's your case, you can use the https://github.com/dannyvaughton/wp-rest-polylang-pro, a modified version that exposes the languages to WP Rest.
Either way, it's not a Gatsby issue, but WordPress.