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How do I remove the border of a Image Button in Tkinter?

I know how to remove the border of a Tkinter Button and Image. It is done pretty much exactly like how you do it for everything else


What I need help with if why, even though I put that in the widget's 'design parameters', it still has a border.

My code is below.

# Imports the tkinter library.
from tkinter import *
from tkmacosx import Button

selectedBackground = "black"
selectedForeground = "#22fd35"

root = Tk()

def openCipher():
    print("open cipher")

def openDecipher():
    print("open decipher")

cipherButton = Button(root, text="  Cipher  ", padx=40, pady=20, command=openCipher, borderwidth=0, background=selectedBackground, foreground=selectedForeground, highlightbackground=selectedForeground)
cipherButton.grid(row=1, column=0)
decipherButton = Button(root, text="Decipher", padx=40, pady=20, command=openDecipher, borderwidth=0, background=selectedBackground, foreground=selectedForeground, highlightbackground=selectedForeground).grid(row=1, column=2)
spacer1 = Label(root, text="     ", padx=10, pady=1, background=selectedBackground, foreground=selectedForeground, highlightbackground=selectedForeground).grid(row=4, column=1)
quitButton = Button(root, text="Exit d3cryptt", padx=10, pady=5, command=root.quit, borderwidth=0, background=selectedBackground, foreground=selectedForeground, highlightbackground=selectedForeground).grid(row=5, column=1)
spacer2 = Label(root, text="     ", padx=10, pady=1, background=selectedBackground, foreground=selectedForeground, highlightbackground=selectedForeground).grid(row=6, column=1, pady=30)

# changecolour = Button(root, text="change colour", padx=1, pady=5, background=selectedBackground, foreground=selectedForeground, highlightbackground=selectedForeground, command=lambda: changeColour(selectedBackground3, selectedForeground3)).grid(row=7, column=0)
theme1 = PhotoImage(file = "/Documents/theme1button.png")
theme1Button = Button(root, image=theme1, borderwidth=0, background=selectedBackground, command=openCipher), y=100)

#Enter the event main loop

here is the image for the button if you want to test it out yourself.

enter image description here

The image appears on the screen with a border around it, even with borderwidth = 0, as seen in the image below.

enter image description here

I am not sure of any other solutions on how to fix this. I have even tried changing it from .place to .grid and it still had the border around it.

It may be because it is not on a canvas, but I will need someone to clarify for me if that is the problem. And if they could instruct me on how to do that, or a helpful video on how to do that, it would be greatly appreciated.

I appreciate any advice given.


  • try hightlightthickness:

    theme1Button = Button(root, image=theme1, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, background=selectedBackground, command=openCipher)