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Way to calculate the top x% of users from a database

I was wondering if there was an actually good way to aggregate/calculate percentiles based on all data in a database. For example, data like:


How would I go about finding a way to calculate the percentile that users achieve a specific rarity compared to others. Example: James falls in the top 10% of users who own rank 5.


  • emphasized textYou can do something like:

        $group: {
          _id: "$name",
          rankFiveCount: {$sum: {$cond: [{$eq: ["$rank", 5]}, 1, 0]}}}
        $setWindowFields: {
          sortBy: {rankFiveCount: -1},
          output: {
            rank: {$rank: {}},
            totalCount: {$count: {}}
      {$match: {_id: wantedUser}},
        $project: {
          name: "$_id",
          _id: 0,
          percentile: {
            $round: {$multiply: [{$divide: ["$rank", "$totalCount"]}, 100]}

    See how it works on the playground example