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How to use maven with RCP applications

I'm new to RCP development and trying to figure out if there is any 'standard'/'recommended' maven archetype to use for RCP that I can integrate with Eclipse. If so; where can I find it?

So far I have come across eclipse-tycho-archetype from com.github.bmaggi in the maven repository, but that archetype seems to generate an ordinary plugin project for test, which I believe should be a fragment project instead. The other one is tycho-eclipse-plugin-archetype at, but that one is not included in the Eclipse IDE for RCP.

To summarize: Do you all create your own maven archetype for your RCP application or do you use some from maven repository or other locations?

Thanks for any guidance.


  • It is not essential to use a Maven archetype for RCP developers since it uses a POM-less approache. A very common folder structure used by RCP developers was suggested by Lars Vogle according to following link:

    Folder structure recommended by Lars Vogle