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Change values smoothly over time in R

I have a variable called "exposed" and I know already the sum of exposed people over time: have a look to understand

i exposed
1 y
2 y
3 y
4 n
5 n

So I have 3 exposed individuals and 2 are not.

t <- 5
#I know that each i in t :

sum(exposed[i]) <- c(3,4,1,4,5)

I created this line of code to capture the change in data:

evol <- list()

for(i in 1:t){evol[[i]]<- df}

for (i in 2:t) {
  # condition


My question is: what is the condition that I have to write to have in:


a data that looks like this:

i exposed
1 y
2 y
3 y
4 n
5 n

the data looks like this:

i exposed
1 y
2 y
3 y
4 y
5 n

a data that looks like this:

i exposed
1 y
2 n
3 n
4 n
5 n

I hope I made it clear;

Any ideas please;

kind regards.


  • If I'm understanding you correctly, you want a list of dataframes based on the exposed sums.

    Using lapply you can do

    exposed <- c(3,4,1,4,5)
    evol <- lapply(exposed, \(x) data.frame(i = seq_along(exposed), exposed = c(rep("y", x), rep("n", length(exposed) - x )))  )
      i exposed
    1 1       y
    2 2       y
    3 3       y
    4 4       n
    5 5       n