I've researched several posts about dependent drop-down lists; however, I'm still stuck. I need to create drop-down list based on a primary list that has duplicates. Most of the examples have the data enter image description hereoriented differently and are unique.
See the screenshot of the following table:
I want the primary drop down to show a non-duplicate list: e.g., cassette
THEN, I want the dependent list to show the drive options. e.g., clutch, vertilux motor, etc.
Best, Jason
EDIT: updated to a more generic approach, to enable multiple lists as data sources.
Here's one way to do this - it relies on using a named range which refers to a VBA function: that function is called when you click a validation drop-down which refers to the name.
Needs a name defined (all the Data Validation lists point at this same name):
Code (all in a regular module):
Option Explicit
Sub Tester() 'for running the code in a debuggable way....
Debug.Print getOptions().Address
End Sub
Function getOptions() As Range
Dim c As Range, dict As Object, rw As Range, rngVals As Range, sz As Long
Set rngVals = ListsSheet.Range("H4")
rngVals.Resize(100).ClearContents 'clear previous options
'On Error Resume Next 'uncomment for debugging
Set c = Application.Caller 'this function is called from the cell
' where the drop-down is clicked
'On Error GoTo 0 'uncomment for debugging
'If c Is Nothing Then Set c = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data Entry").Range("A4") 'uncomment for debugging
Set rw = c.EntireRow
Select Case c.Column 'whaich column is the dd in ?
Case 1: Set dict = GetTypes() 'no parent values
Case 2: Set dict = GetColors(rw.Cells(1).Value) 'one parent value
Case 3: Set dict = GetSizes(rw.Cells(1).Value, rw.Cells(2).Value) 'two parent values
Case 5: Set dict = GetFinishes(rw.Cells(1).Value) 'Finishes depend on Type and are from a different list
Case Else: Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
End Select
Debug.Print dict.Count
If dict.Count > 0 Then 'any values to list out?
rngVals.Cells(1).Resize(dict.Count, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(dict.keys)
End If
sz = IIf(dict.Count = 0, 1, dict.Count)
Set getOptions = rngVals.Resize(sz) 'return a range for the drop-down to reference
End Function
'returns the sheet with the lookup lists
Function ListsSheet() As Worksheet
Set ListsSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Lists")
End Function
'following 4 functions return different lists depending on source and filtering
Function GetTypes() As Object
Set GetTypes = Uniques(ListsSheet.ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange, 1)
End Function
Function GetColors(typ) As Object
Set GetColors = Uniques(ListsSheet.ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange, 2, 1, typ)
End Function
Function GetSizes(typ, clr) As Object
Set GetSizes = Uniques(ListsSheet.ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange, 3, 1, typ, 2, clr)
End Function
Function GetFinishes(typ) As Object
Set GetFinishes = Uniques(ListsSheet.ListObjects("Table2").DataBodyRange, 2, 1, typ)
End Function
'Given a range `rng`, return a scripting dictionary with all unique values from column# `valueCol`,
' where (optionally) the row meets criteria supplied to `filters` (zero or more pairs of colNum, colValue)
Function Uniques(rng As Range, valueCol As Long, ParamArray filters() As Variant) As Object
Dim dict As Object, arr, r As Long, c, filtering As Boolean
Dim adding As Boolean, i As Long, colnum As Long, v
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
filtering = UBound(filters) <> -1
arr = rng.Value
For r = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
adding = True 'by default we add...
If filtering Then
For i = LBound(filters) To UBound(filters) Step 2
colnum = filters(i) 'column index to filter on
v = filters(i + 1) 'value to filter on
If arr(r, colnum) <> v Then
adding = False 'row did not match criteria
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If
If adding Then dict(arr(r, valueCol)) = True
Next r
Set Uniques = dict
End Function