This is a code for a Feynman diagram with a horizontal propagator (LuaTex is needed):
\diagram[horizontal=a to b] {
i1 [particle=\(e^{-}\)] -- [fermion,momentum'=\(p\)] a -- [photon,reversed momentum'=\(k\)] f1 [particle=\(\gamma\)],
a -- [fermion] b,
i2 [particle=\(\gamma\)] -- [photon,reversed momentum'=\(k'\)] b -- [fermion,momentum'=\(p'\)] f2 [particle=\(e^{-}\)],
It produces the following diagram:
Now, what I want is another diagram without the propagator, that should look like this:
Momentum arrows are not of big importance, the important thing is to remove the horizontal propagator.
I have tried playing with the above code a bit,
i1 [particle=\(e^{-}\)] -- [fermion,momentum'=\(p\)] a -- [photon,reversed momentum'=\(k\)] f1 [particle=\(\gamma\)],
a -- a,
i2 [particle=\(\gamma\)] -- [photon,reversed momentum'=\(k'\)] a -- [fermion,momentum'=\(p'\)] f2 [particle=\(e^{-}\)]
but all I managed to do was this:
And this is not what I need, not even after adding a command for 45° rotation. Can someone help me get this done? Thank you!
You can place the vertices manually:
% !TeX TS-program = lualatex
\vertex[dot] (m) at (0, 0) {};
\vertex (a) at (-2,-1) {$e^{-}$};
\vertex (b) at ( 2,-1) {$e^{-}$};
\vertex (c) at (-2, 1) {$\gamma$};
\vertex (d) at ( 2, 1) {$\gamma$};
\diagram* {
-- [fermion,momentum'=\(p\)] (m)
-- [fermion,momentum'=\(p'\)] (b),
-- [photon,momentum=\(k\)] (m)
-- [photon,momentum=\(k'\)] (d),