We have a bunch of health checks against third-party services. We want them to run periodically because when they go down it affects our app just like a bug in our code. Knowing that "it's them not us" reduces significant troubleshooting time.
We've set this health check up via github actions with a scheduled run, but we want a HealthCheck per third-party service. That way, the slack message on failure will be very specific of what is down. But that is going to create a lot of duplicated yml content.
I discovered something called github composite actions and it seems to be intended for solving this problem, but I can't find information about whether or not a composite action can live in a private repository.
The documentation of the uses
key only mentions public repositories when it mentions repositories at all. Is there a way to make a composite action in a private repository and use it?
I tried making their hello world example, ran it, and it ran correctly. Then I made the action repo private, and the repo using the action's build failed saying:
Unable to resolve action `user/repo@v1`, repository not found
I used this little example of composite actions from GitHub and modified it to use my private repository building on Benjamin's excellent answer.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: A job to say hello
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Get composite run steps repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# action file is located in another repo called workflows at /workflows/actions/action.yaml
repository: my-org/workflows
# ref: mybranch # in case it's not master branch
# use deploy key instead of personal access token
ssh-key: ${{ secrets.WORKFLOWS_DEPLOYMENT_KEY }}
path: .github/workflows
- id: foo
uses: ./.github/workflows/actions
who-to-greet: 'Mona the Octocat'
- run: echo random-number ${{ steps.foo.outputs.random-number }}
shell: bash
A few caveats:
inside your composite action yaml. Post action will fail even if the action itself succeeds