I am try to implement keyring on a windows system to manage database passwords for connection strings in pyodbc and sqlalchemy. I have tried to ensure the relevant packages from the NameError(s) thrown are installed.
Reason for manually setting the backend in keyring on windows
Here is the code I ran:`
from keyring.backends import Windows
import keyring
keyring.get_password("Service", "Username")
Here are the errors thrown:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\Python310\lib\site-packages\keyring\backends\Windows.py", line 109, in _get_password
res = win32cred.CredRead(
NameError: name 'win32cred' is not defined
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File ".\Python310\lib\site-packages\keyring\core.py", line 55, in get_password
return get_keyring().get_password(service_name, username)
File ".\Python310\lib\site-packages\keyring\backends\Windows.py", line 99, in get_password
res = self._get_password(service)
File ".\Python310lib\site-packages\keyring\backends\Windows.py", line 112, in _get_password
except pywintypes.error as e:
NameError: name 'pywintypes' is not defined
Installed packages are listed:
Package | Version |
astroid | 2.9.3 |
backcall | 0.2.0 |
certifi | 2021.10.8 |
cffi | 1.15.0 |
charset-normalizer | 2.0.12 |
cloudpickle | 2.1.0 |
colorama | 0.4.4 |
comtypes | 1.1.11 |
cryptography | 37.0.2 |
dask | 2022.6.1 |
executing | 0.8.3 |
fsspec | 2022.5.0 |
greenlet | 1.1.2 |
idna | 3.3 |
ipython-genutils | 0.2.0 |
isort | 5.10.1 |
keyring | 23.6.0 |
lazy-object-proxy | 1.7.1 |
locket | 1.0.0 |
mccabe | 0.6.1 |
mistune | 0.8.4 |
MouseInfo | 0.1.3 |
numpy | 1.22.3 |
opencv-python | |
packaging | 21.3 |
pandas | 1.4.1 |
partd | 1.2.0 |
pickleshare | 0.7.5 |
Pillow | 9.1.1 |
pip | 22.1.2 |
platformdirs | 2.5.1 |
pure-eval | 0.2.2 |
PyAutoGUI | 0.9.53 |
pycparser | 2.21 |
PyGetWindow | 0.0.9 |
pylint | 2.12.2 |
PyMsgBox | 1.0.9 |
pyodbc | 4.0.32 |
pyparsing | 3.0.7 |
pyperclip | 1.8.2 |
PyQt6 | 6.3.1 |
PyQt6-Qt6 | 6.3.1 |
PyQt6-sip | 13.4.0 |
PyRect | 0.2.0 |
PyScreeze | 0.1.28 |
pytesseract | 0.3.9 |
python-bidi | 0.4.2 |
python-dateutil | 2.8.2 |
pytweening | 1.0.4 |
pytz | 2022.1 |
PyWavelets | 1.3.0 |
pywin32 | 303 |
pywin32-ctypes | 0.2.0 |
pywinauto | 0.6.8 |
PyYAML | 6 |
requests | 2.27.1 |
scipy | 1.8.0 |
Send2Trash | 1.8.0 |
setuptools | 58.1.0 |
six | 1.16.0 |
SQLAlchemy | 1.4.39 |
sudo | 1.0.0 |
tifffile | 2022.3.16 |
toml | 0.10.2 |
toolz | 0.11.2 |
torch | 1.11.0 |
torchaudio | 0.11.0 |
torchvision | 0.12.0 |
traitlets | 5.1.1 |
typing_extensions | 4.1.1 |
urllib3 | 1.26.9 |
wcwidth | 0.2.5 |
webencodings | 0.5.1 |
wrapt | 1.13.3 |
This was an issue with extra python installations on my device.
I fixed this issue by deleting an extra set of python installations on my computer.
Create venv without admin access python
import keyring
keyring.get_password("Service", "Username")
keyring.set_password("TestService","TestUser", "TestPassword")
keyring.get_password("TestService", "TestUser")
Edit, this also fixes the need to set the default keyring.
I can omit: keyring.set_keyring(Windows.WinVaultKeyring())