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Best tidyverse practice for passing column names as variables in function

I am passing a tibble to a user-defined function where column names are variables. After studying this, this, and this, I came up with the below working function. My goal is to include an equivalent function in an R package. My question, while this function works, is there a more correct best practice within the dplyr/tidyeval/tidyverse world?


dat0 <- tibble( a = seq(as.Date('2022-02-10'), as.Date('2022-03-01'), by = "5 days")
  , b = seq(10,40,10))

myCalc <- function(data, dateIn, numIn, yearOut, numOut) {
  data <- data %>%
      , {{yearOut}} := lubridate::year(.data[[dateIn]])
      , {{numOut}} := 10 * .data[[numIn]]
      ) %>%
      , .data[[numOut]] > 250

dat2 <- myCalc(dat0
  , dateIn  = "a"
  , numIn   = "b"
  , yearOut = "c"
  , numOut  = "d")


    # A tibble: 2 × 4
  a              b     c     d
  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2022-02-20    30  2022   300
2 2022-02-25    40  2022   400


  • Since you are already using the curly-curly {{ operator you can implement that further in your function to have quoted arguments:

    myCalc <- function(data, dateIn, numIn, yearOut, numOut) {
      data <- data %>%
               , {{yearOut}} := lubridate::year({{ dateIn }})
               , {{numOut}} := 10 * {{ numIn }}
        ) %>%
               , {{ numOut }} > 250

    Your use of strings does work (e.g. .data[[dateIn]], evaluates to .data[["a"]] in your example). As mentioned in the comments by @r2evans the difference really comes during the function call.

    This function would be called like so (note the lack of quotes in the arguments):

    dat2 <- myCalc(dat0, 
                   dateIn  = a,
                   numIn   = b,
                   yearOut = c,
                   numOut  = d)

    You can read more about this with ?rlang::`nse-defuse` and ?rlang::`nse-force` . There is also this tidyverse article with more on the subject.