I'd like to set rateLimit for requests where in json data present param with sample value
curl -X 'POST' '' -H Host:whoami.docker.localhost -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"sender": "Tester",
"receiver": [
"text": "Text",
"service": "service"
I need limit 100rps for sender=Tester, other senders must have no rateLimit
I tried such config:
rule = "Host(`whoami.docker.localhost`)&&Query(sender=Tester)"
service = "whoami"
entrypoints = ["web"]
middlewares = ["test-ratelimit"]
average = 100
But received
404 page not found
How can I get param from json data in request and set rule for routes or middleware?
Traefik does not provide middlewares to extract the JSON payload from the request.
You can probably try to create a custom plugin extracting the value and applying the rate limiting on its own.