R-novice here. I am running a CFA using the Lavaan package. It is giving me everything I need, except my p-value is coming up at .000 and I would like to find the exact p-value (i.e. .0000009 or whatever it might be).
I have tried to use:
format.pval(p, digits=6)
but neither of these changed my output.
The code I am using is:
fit<-cfa(model,data=fulldata,estimator = "WLSMV")
lavaan has special classes for its output, with dedicated print methods. The number of digits is controlled by the nd=
argument (see the class?lavaan
help page for more details). For example:
summary(cfa, nd = 5)
PE <- parameterEstimates(fit)
print(PE, nd = 6)
FM <- fitMeasures(fit, "pvalue")
print(FM, nd = 7)