I am adding on to another developers code, we are both new to perl I am trying to take a list of IPs and run it through whois. I am unsure how to access the data in the anonymous hash, how do I use it? He told me the data was stored inside one. This is the only instance I could find mentioning a hash:
## Instantiate a reference to an anonymous hash (key value pair)
my $addr = {};
Here is an anonymous hash:
my $anon_hash = {
key1 => 'Value 1',
key2 => 'Value 2',
key3 => 'Value 3',
If you want to access an individual value:
my $value = $anon_hash->{key1};
say $anon_hash->{key2};
If you want to update an individual value:
$anon_hash->{key3} = 'New value 3';
If you want to add a new key/value pair:
$anon_hash->{key4} = 'Value 4';
You can also use all of the standard hash functions (e.g. keys()
). You just need to "deference" your hash reference - which means putting a '%' in front of it.
So, for example, to print all the key/value pairs:
foreach my $key (keys %$anon_hash) {
say "$key : $anon_hash->{$_}";