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Chunk option eval=FALSE ignored when spinning R-script

Spinning the following code (by clicking compile report in Rstudio):

#+ eval = FALSE
This line should not be syntax-checked, but it is.

Returns this error:

Error in parse(text = x, keep.source = TRUE) : 
  <text>:2:6: unexpected symbol
1: #+ eval = FALSE
2: This line

Knitting the equivalent Rmd-chunk works fine:

```{r, eval = FALSE}
Using Rmd, eval=FALSE disables the syntax-check, and does not error

I was expecting that I could spin a chunk syntactically incorrect code without getting an error ( Am I mistaken for expecting this?



  • This is not possible, but a workaround is to quote the sentence :

    # Syntax checked:
    #> [1] 4
    # Not syntax checked:
    2 a 
    #> [1] "\n2 a \n"

    (source: Yihui Xie's comment above at 28jun2022)