Search code examples

LINQ merge multiple lists to one list

Let's assume I have multiple db tables, I'll just represent them as lists for convenience:

EntitySource {
 public int Id {get; set;}
 public ICollection<Entity_1> table_1 { get; set }
 public ICollection<Entity_2> table_2 { get; set }
 public ICollection<Entity_3> table_3 { get; set }

Entity_1/Entity_2/Entity_3 {
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public string Name { get; set; }

List<Entity_1> table1 = new List<Entity_1>() {new Entity_1{Id = 1, Name = "First"}, new Entity_1{Id = 2, Name = "Second"}

List<Entity_2> table2 = new List<Entity_2>() {new Entity_2{Id = 3, Name = "First"}, new Entity_2{Id = 4, Name = "Second"}

List<Entity_3> table3 = new List<Entity_3>() {new Entity_3{Id = 5, Name = "First"}, new Entity_3{Id = 6, Name = "Second"}

I'm querying against EntitySource which contains references to multiple collections that I want to query against and map to MergedList class that contains two properties, Id of the entity source and one collection containing all merged collections of the EntitySource.

What I want to achieve is query for only id's and map them to single list of integers.

Something like this:

  var entities = await entitySource.Queryable()
          .Select(e => new MergedList()
              PrincipalId = e.Id,
              CombinedIds = e.table1.Select(e => e.Id)
                .Concat(e.table2.Select(e => e.Id)
                .Concat(e.table3.Select(e => e.Id)

public class MergedList {
  public int PrincipalId {get;set;}
  public IEnumerable<int> CombinedIds {get;set;}

But apparently the above statement is not working, expression could not be parsed.

Unable to translate a collection subquery in a projection since either parent or the subquery doesn't project necessary information required to uniquely identify it and correctly generate results on the client side.

I'm using Entity Framework Core v6.0


  • You can combine them on the client side.

    var filtered = entitySource.Queryable()
        .Where(ent => input.Id == ent.Id);
    var rawData = await 
        filtered.SelectMany(e => e.table1.Select(t => new { e.Id, SubId = t.Id } ))
        .Concat(filtered.SelectMany(e => e.table2.Select(t => new { e.Id, SubId = t.Id } ))
        .Concat(filtered.SelectMany(e => e.table3.Select(t => new { e.Id, SubId = t.Id } ))
    var entities = rawData.GroupBy(x => x.Id)
        .Select(g =>  new MergedList()
            PrincipalId = g.Key,
            CombinedIds = g.Select(x => x.SubId).ToList()