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Unable to open DevTools after migrating code snippets

I think I have corrupted my main profile in Edge (current Ver 103) whilst migrating code snippets from another profile. I used InspectorFrontendHost.getPreferences / setPreference to migrate my snippets and it appeared to work fine.

However DevTools will not reopen using F12, CTRL-SHFT-i or right click. I can see a DevTools tab appear in Browser Task Manager, but no window or tab appears.

DevTools works fine on the same machine in my other profile, even if I have both profiles open in different windows at the same time.

Can I force a reset of the part of the Edge profile that stores snippets without losing the rest of the profile? I am on a work machine so don't have access to elevated priviledges. Thank you


  • Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce this issue. I tried the same function to export/import snippets, but my devtools was still successfully launched. Since a devtools tab is in the browser task manager, you can double click on the tab to see whether it is just unintentionally minimized.

    But I'm afraid you cannot only reset the part of your Edge profile that stores snippet. I suggest you doing a browser reset to see if it works. You can go to Settings --> Reset settings --> Restore settings to their default values.

    By the way, your snippets are located at a "Preference" file under your profile path. You can go to edge://version to find your profile path.