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According to the data in column B corresponding to column A of different categories in table A, how to transfer to new data columns in table B

Original Dataframe, picture 1:

Original Dataframe, picture 1

This is the original data, and I want to analysis from this sample data frame.

As you can see, there are different companies, that make different products.

I want to make a new data frame, that is sorted by COMPANY, as you can see in picture 2.

I am using R, so I want to know :

  1. How to count the frequency that the COMPANY appeared time.(Green in Picture2)
  2. How to add all product names in a new column by different companies. (Red in Picture2)

THANKS Park, it works well.

I have a renewed question:

If I want to add the RegNo after the product like this, how should I do? Renewed Question

Dataframe I want, picture2:

Dataframe I want, picture2


  • You may try


    df <- data.frame(
      company = c("Moon", "Sun", "Earth", "Mars", "Moon", "Sun", "Earth", "Moon", "Sun", "Moon"),
      productname = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "g")


    df %>%
      group_by(company) %>%
      summarize(Freq = n(),
                Product = paste0(productname, collapse = ",")) %>%
      company  Freq Product
      <chr>   <int> <chr>  
    1 Moon        4 a,e,h,g
    2 Sun         3 b,f,i  
    3 Earth       2 c,g    
    4 Mars        1 d      


    I set RegNo as 1 to 10

    df <- data.frame(
      RegNo = c(1:10),
      company = c("Moon", "Sun", "Earth", "Mars", "Moon", "Sun", "Earth", "Moon", "Sun", "Moon"),
      productname = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "g")
    df %>%
      unite(product, c("productname", "RegNo"), sep = ",") %>%
      group_by(company) %>%
      summarize(Freq = n(),
                Product = paste0(product, collapse = ";")) %>%
      company  Freq Product         
      <chr>   <int> <chr>           
    1 Earth       2 c,3;g,7         
    2 Mars        1 d,4             
    3 Moon        4 a,1;e,5;h,8;g,10
    4 Sun         3 b,2;f,6;i,9