If I have an action defined as (note - all names are hypothetical)
public string LogMeIn(...)
Swagger will generate URL as .../api/Auth/LogMeIn
I've added option
services.AddRouting(opt => opt.LowercaseUrls = true)
This got me to this point in the swagger .../api/auth/logmein
But I need to be at camelCase
--> .../api/auth/logMeIn
I've tried to look through swagger options, app options, but no luck. What can I do here? BTW, searched the internet. Mostly they talk about parameters/models. This is swagger UI URL. Thanks
i don't know if something inbuilt is available or not but you can write a simple document filter like this.
public class UrlRenameDocumentFilter : IDocumentFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
OpenApiPaths keyValuePairs = new OpenApiPaths();
foreach(var path in swaggerDoc.Paths)
var value = path.Value;
// here you have to put logic to convert name to camelCase
string newkey = ConvertToCamelCase(path.Key);
keyValuePairs.Add(newkey, value);
swaggerDoc.Paths = keyValuePairs;
in program.cs
builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(o =>