I'm new to Azure IoT Hub
What I'm trying to do is remove pending commands for a device in the IoT Hub by using Azure IoT Hub's REST API as shown here here
But I keep getting the same error "InvalidProtocolVersion;Bad Request"
I added a SAS Token in the header and changed the api-version parameter but nothing works.
Can anybody help ?
I added a SAS Token in the header and changed the api-version parameter but nothing works.
According to documentation:
If-Match = [*|<etag from get>]
Alternatively, you can use the following documented Azure CLI command to purge cloud-to-device message queue for a target device:
az iot device c2d-message purge --device-id
Updated answer:
According to Eyasu Bogale:
SAS token did not have all the permission it needed. Generated it using
az iot hub generate-sas-token -n roboatiothub --policy iothubowner
(not registryRead) and now it works (even without the If-Match header)
References: Azure IoT Hub InvalidProtocolVersion,Control access to IoT Hub and az iot hub generate-sas-token