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sqlalchemy + pyodbc how to trust certificate?

I have a python script using pyodbc that connects to a remote server with sql server running on it. I have a package I wrote with functions using sqlalchemy that I was able to use on one of my computers. I connected with this string:

driver = 'SQL+Server+Native+Client+11.0'
engine_string = prefix + '://' + username + ':' + password + '@' + server + '/' + database + '?driver=' + driver

On another computer, I was not able to install the native client 11.0 which I understand is deprecated. I tried switching the value to

driver = 'ODBC+Driver+18+for+SQL+Server'

I got an error with that version

[ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server]SSL Provider: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.

I then tried just a generic odbc connection with the windows utility and got the same error. I was able to get that odbc manager connection to work when I checked 'Trust Server Certificate'

This is probably not good long term, but is there a way to add that attribute to the first string I have above? I tried several variations, but nothing worked.

I was able to get a working connection with the following:

cnxn = pyodbc.connect( 
driver = '{ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server}', 
server = server, 
database = database, 
uid = username,
pwd = password, 

but that connection did not work with the package I wanted to use. thanks!


  • The connection error is due to a change in default behavior for the newest versions of SQL Server Drivers (ODBC v18+, JDBC v10+, .Net Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v4.0+).

    ODBC release notes:

    The correct ODBC keyword to use is TrustServerCertificate