Not sure if this is a silly question but I am trying to query Custom Post Types from WordPress using GraphQL, there Custom Post Types also contain Advanced Custom Fields.
As you can see here I have published 17 in total:
My query to graphQL looks like this:
const GET_ALL_MEDIA = gql`
query MyQuery {
slumpMedias {
edges {
node {
slumpMeta {
image {
audio1 {
For whatever reason I only get 10 entries that return, the most recent ones that I have published:
10 entries only appear as well when using the GraphQL IDE.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? I've checked the settings on WordPress and everything seems normal.
Custom Post Type UI, WP GraphQL, WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields, Advanced Custom Fields as plugins
By default, it only pulls through the first 10, specify the limit of how much you want in the query
slumpMedias (first:100) {
edges {
node {
slumpMeta {
image {
audio1 {