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Staggered gird view tiles with different accept ratio in flutter web

I am trying to achieve the following grid layout in Flutter using staggered grid view needed layout

but i am not able to change the accept ratio. The height of the gird is according to the width.

this is the code i am using

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return GetBuilder<LoginController>(
      builder: (controller) => Container(
        color: AppColors.doveGray,
        padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(100, 20, 100, 20),
        child: Scaffold(
          appBar: const CustomAppBar(isPhone: false),
          backgroundColor: AppColors.doveGray,
          body: Container(
            height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * .75,
            child: GridView.custom(
              shrinkWrap: true,
              gridDelegate: SliverQuiltedGridDelegate(
                crossAxisCount: 4,
                mainAxisSpacing: 20,
                crossAxisSpacing: 20,
                repeatPattern: QuiltedGridRepeatPattern.mirrored,
                pattern: [
                  QuiltedGridTile(2, 1),
                  QuiltedGridTile(1, 1),
                  QuiltedGridTile(1, 1),
                  QuiltedGridTile(1, 1),
                  QuiltedGridTile(1, 1),
                  QuiltedGridTile(1, 1),
                  QuiltedGridTile(1, 1),
                  QuiltedGridTile(1, 1),
                  QuiltedGridTile(1, 1),
              childrenDelegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
                  (context, index) => HomeTileWidget(),
                  childCount: 9),


  • The crossAxisCount:9 will dominate the UI. Change sh value based on need

    const sh = 2;
    return Scaffold(
      body: GridView.custom(
        gridDelegate: SliverQuiltedGridDelegate(
          crossAxisCount: 9,
          mainAxisSpacing: 20,
          crossAxisSpacing: 20,
          repeatPattern: QuiltedGridRepeatPattern.mirrored,
          pattern: [
            QuiltedGridTile(sh * 2, 3),
            QuiltedGridTile(sh, 3),
            QuiltedGridTile(sh, 3), //topE
            QuiltedGridTile(sh, 3),
            QuiltedGridTile(sh, 3),
            QuiltedGridTile(sh, 3),
            QuiltedGridTile(sh, 2),
            QuiltedGridTile(sh, 2),
            QuiltedGridTile(sh, 2),

    Play with decoration.

    enter image description here