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How can I import all (mp3) files from a particular folder into an array in react.js?

I'm building an mp3 player with react.js and the HTML5 web audio API. I'm new to react (circa 2 weeks) but have 3 years experience with JavaScript.

It seems that in order for the mp3 files to play/load into the audio tag (within a react environment using the cmd line and localhost) I need to import them to the application(rather than just pointing to their URL in the src of the audio tag). See my question here

So at the moment I am importing the sounds in a hard-coded fashion as follows:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './music-player.css';

import mp3_file0 from './sounds/0010_beat_egyptian.mp3';
import mp3_file1 from './sounds/0011_beat_euphoric.mp3';
import mp3_file2 from './sounds/0014_beat_latin.mp3';
import mp3_file3 from './sounds/0015_beat_pop.mp3';
import mp3_file4 from './sounds/0027_falling_cute.mp3';
import mp3_file5 from './sounds/0028_feather.mp3';
import mp3_file6 from './sounds/0036_lose_cute.mp3';
import mp3_file7 from './sounds/0039_pium.mp3';

var mp3s = [];

mp3s[0] = mp3_file0;
mp3s[1] = mp3_file1;
mp3s[2] = mp3_file2;
mp3s[3] = mp3_file3;
mp3s[4] = mp3_file4;
mp3s[5] = mp3_file5;
mp3s[6] = mp3_file6;
mp3s[7] = mp3_file7;

const AudioPlayer = function(props) {
    var mp3Src = mp3s[props.currentSoundIndex];
        return (<audio id="audio_player">
        <source id="src_mp3" type="audio/mp3" src={mp3Src}/>
        <source id="src_ogg" type="audio/ogg" src=""/>
        <object id="audio_object" type="audio/x-mpeg" width="200px" height="45px" data={mp3Src}>
            <param id="param_src" name="src" value={mp3Src} />
            <param id="param_src" name="src" value={mp3Src} />
            <param name="autoplay" value="false" />
            <param name="autostart" value="false" />

export default AudioPlayer;

That works perfect, however ideally I would like to either:

1 import the mp3 files straight into an array (instead of creating the array afterwards). I tried the following, however I am receiving an error of "unexpected token" at the [ bracket (when importing)

var mp3s = [];

import mp3s[0] from './sounds/0010_beat_egyptian.mp3';
import mp3s[1] from './sounds/0011_beat_euphoric.mp3';

2 Or even better import all files from the sounds folder without knowing their names into a zero indexed array.

Any help greatly appreciated. thanks.


  • I discovered that If you have multiple files (e.g images or mp3 files etc) that you want to include dynamically to your app then it is better to store them in the public folder (see the docs

    Note: When storing your files in the public folder you don't need to "import" them but you must use the public environment variable (process.env.PUBLIC_URL) so that the correct path (to your public folder) will be referenced.

    So my solution to this was:

    1. I created a folder in the public folder called sounds (where I stored all of my mp3s for this project).
    2. I then changed my the Audio component (in the original post) to the following:


    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import './music-player.css';
    const AudioPlayer = function(props) {
        let mp3Src = process.env.PUBLIC_URL + props.sounds[props.currentSoundIndex].mp3;
            return (<audio id="audio_player">
            <source id="src_mp3" type="audio/mp3" src={mp3Src}/>
            <source id="src_ogg" type="audio/ogg" src=""/>
            <object id="audio_object" type="audio/x-mpeg" width="200px" height="45px" data={mp3Src}>
                <param id="param_src" name="src" value={mp3Src} />
                <param id="param_src" name="src" value={mp3Src} />
                <param name="autoplay" value="false" />
                <param name="autostart" value="false" />
    export default AudioPlayer;

    Note: props.sounds in the above code refers to the following JavaScript array which I have in my src folder:

    let sounds = [{"title" : "Egyptian Beat", "artist" : "Sarah Monks", "length": 16, "mp3" : "sounds/0010_beat_egyptian.mp3"}, 
            {"title" : "Euphoric Beat", "artist" : "Sarah Monks", "length": 31, "mp3" : "sounds/0011_beat_euphoric.mp3"},
            {"title" : "Latin Beat", "artist" : "Sarah Monks", "length": 59, "mp3" : "sounds/0014_beat_latin.mp3"}, 
            {"title" : "Pop Beat", "artist" : "Sarah Monks", "length": 24, "mp3" : "sounds/0015_beat_pop.mp3"},
            {"title" : "Falling Cute", "artist" : "Sarah Monks", "length": 3, "mp3" : "sounds/0027_falling_cute.mp3"}, 
            {"title" : "Feather", "artist" : "Sarah Monks", "length": 6, "mp3" : "sounds/0028_feather.mp3"},
            {"title" : "Lose Cute", "artist" : "Sarah Monks", "length": 3, "mp3" : "sounds/0036_lose_cute.mp3"}, 
            {"title" : "Pium", "artist" : "Sarah Monks", "length": 3, "mp3" : "sounds/0039_pium.mp3"}];