When user purchase premium, I give him premium money. Every week, I need to give premium money again at subscription time. However, if the user is no longer a subscriber, they should no longer receive their premium money.
I think I need to use scheduled tasks, but I do not know how to do that on right way.
I need to run this task.
$schedule->job(new CreditPremiumUser($userId))-> weeklyOn(1, '10:42:53');
// 1 = premium purchase day
// '10:42:53' = subscription time
Schema::create('tasks', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('type'); // optional
$table->string('frequency_params')->nullable(); // optional
$table->string('job_name')->nullable(); // optional
$table->integer('user_id')->nullable(); // optional
Example task data
type = 'subscription_credit'
frequency_function = 'weeklyOn'
frequency_params = 'a:2:{i:0;i:3;i:1;s:5:"12:20";}' // serialize(array(3, '12:20'))
job_name = App/Jobs/Premium/CreditPremiumMoney
user_id = 1
I need to schedule Job so I have job_name
For example, depending on your needs, you can add command_name
column if you want to schedule the execution of a command.
In your App\Console\Kernel.php schedule
method write:
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
$tasks = Task::all();
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
$type = $task->type; // optional
$frequencyFunc = $task->frequency_function;
$frequencyFuncParams = $task->frequency_params
? unserialize($task->frequency_params)
: [];
if ($type === 'subscription_credit') { // optional
$job = $task->job_name;
$userId = $task->user_id;
$schedule->job(new $job($userId), 'low', 'redis')
} else if ($type === '...') {
// Other optional type logic
You can remove type
condition if you do not need it or add multiple types logic if you need type.
Add all your tasks to your database.
Run command php artisan schedule:work
and the scheduler will run to process your tasks at the scheduled dataTime
Add CRON to your server like here
On each environment, the scheduler will run every minute and check if there are tasks to execute in tasks