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How to get users in voice channel without cache in DiscordJS?

I'm trying to get all users connected to a voice channel on my server. When someone talks to a bot in #general, I want to get the users inside Voice Channel 1.

I'm using Node 17 and DiscordJS 13.

This is my code:

  .fetch(channelID, { cache: false, force: true })
  .then((channels) => {

Also, I tried this one:

let voiceChannel = client.guilds.cache
let membersInChannel = voiceChannel.members;

But, it always returns the voice channel users that joined when I start the node app. If someone leaves the voice channel, it keeps showing him in the console.log when I say something to the bot in #general. How can I achieve this?


  • I've had the same problem. Although I added { force: true } as the option in fetch, it always showed the same number of members when I started the app, ignoring the ones who joined/left the channel.

    Enabling the GUILD_VOICE_STATES intent solved this. So don't forget to add it to your client:

    const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js');
    const client = new Client({
      intents: [