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BizTalk 2020 SFTP producing errors relating to WinSCP

Appreciate any info or pointers that anybody might have.

I am running BizTalk 2020, attempting to set up my first SFTP send port to send a flat file to an SFTP server, using username & password authentication.

When the port is active and a file is placed in the relevant receive location, BizTalk attempts to send the file but produces an error that relates it seems to WinSCP:

The adapter failed to transmit message going to send port "XYZ" with URL "XYZ%MessageID%.csv". It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send Port. Details:"System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void WinSCP.SessionOptions.set_SshHostKeyPolicy(WinSCP.SshHostKeyPolicy)'.

WinSCP version installed is v15.9.6.

Any ideas as to what would produce this error? How would I set an Ssh host key policy?


  • Resolved - in the send port, accept any ssh server host key = no, then entered the MD5 format host key fingerprint of the destination server.