How can I get the actual stream in order to filter or map methods from an Optional ? For instance
.map(this:loadAllById) // method loadAllById return a stream (now is wrapped in Optional<Stream>)
.filter(obj -> obj.status) // here i have no access to object in stream but to the full stream
From this a doubt also arises. Is it correct to have a stream inside an Optional? Since the stream should always be not null (in case empty) shouldn't the check be needed?
Here, you don't need to use Optinal
at all.
Optional was not designed to perform null
-checks and Optional.ofNullable(id)
is an abuse of optional (see Should Optional.ofNullable() be used for null check?). Use an explicit null-check instead.
An empty stream can represent the absence of data, you don't need an empty optional for that. Make your method loadAllById()
return a stream Stream<Foo>
instead of optional of stream Optional<Stream<Foo>>
. Wrapping a stream with an optional isn't a proper usage of optional (as it has been already mentioned in the comments by @MC Emperor).
That's how your code might look like:
public Stream<Foo> getFoosById(Long id, Status status) {
if (id == null) {
return Stream.empty();
return loadAllById(id).filter(foo -> foo.getStatus().equals(status));
If status
is an enum you can check reference equality with ==