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Shopify - Adding choosable related products on product page

I am creating a new custom section and I would like to add different kind of blocks in it. But I can't find any list of the existing / available / native blocks types (block.type).

EDIT : I was looking for available "specialized input settings" and not "block types". Here the related documentation !

My final goal would be to add meta field to the product entity, allowing an admin to pick a selection of products from an existing product, then to bind this meta product field, to a 'products' block type in my new custom section.

EDIT : Added a solution in reply.


  • Alright, so thanks to @Onkar and Patrick from discord, here the related documentation :

    In order to do what I described above, I created a dedicated new meta field "related_product" for product entities : Backend > Settings > Metafields > Custom fields > Products (type Product : List of products).

    Then I created a new section in my theme files (sections/product-related.liquid) :

    {%- liquid
        assign grid = section.settings.per_row
    {% unless section.settings.product_list == empty %}
        <div class="product-recommendations row" data-product-id="{{ }}">
                <div class="section-title {% if settings.section_titles == 'lines' %}lines {% elsif settings.section_titles == 'btm_border' %}btm_border {% endif %} desktop-12 tablet-6 mobile-3">
                    <h2>{{ section.settings.heading }}</h2>
            <div class="product-loop">
                {%- for product in section.settings.product_list limit: section.settings.limit -%}
                    <div class="product product-index js-product-listing">
                        {% render 'product-listing', template: 'product', product: product %}
                {%- endfor -%}
    {% endunless %}
    {% schema %}
            "name": "Related Products",
            "settings": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "id": "heading",
                    "label": "Heading",
                    "default": "You may also like"
                    "type": "product_list",
                    "id": "product_list",
                    "label": "Products",
                    "limit": 12
                    "type": "range",
                    "id": "per_row",
                    "min": 2,
                    "max": 4,
                    "step": 1,
                    "label": "Products per row",
                    "default": 4
                    "type": "range",
                    "id": "limit",
                    "min": 2,
                    "max": 6,
                    "step": 1,
                    "label": "Products shown",
                    "default": 4
            "presets": [
                    "name": "Related Products"
            "templates": [
    {% endschema %}
    {% stylesheet %}
        .product-recommendations .product-loop {
            margin: 20px auto;
            display: grid;
            width: 100%;
            margin-left: 1.04166667%;
            margin-right: 1.04166667%;
            grid-template-columns: repeat({{ grid }}, 1fr);
            grid-row-gap: 25px;
            grid-column-gap: 40px;
        @media screen and (min-width: 741px) and (max-width: 980px){
            .product-recommendations .product-loop {
                grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
                grid-gap: 10px;
        @media screen and (max-width: 740px){
            .product-recommendations .product-loop {
                grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
                grid-gap: 10px;
                margin: 0 auto;
    {% endstylesheet %}
    {% javascript %}
    {% endjavascript %}

    After that I was able to add the section to my product template from Theme customisation. Last thing to do was to map / bind my custom meta field to the 'product_list' block / input. And voila !

    enter image description here