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Elrond Verify Signature on Backend PHP

I have a dApp where you login with your Elrond wallet and you generate a signature (containing the wallet address and some more data).

While making requests to an endpoint, I pass the signature on payload and I need to verify it on the backend (so you can't change the wallet address and make requests on someone else's behalf).

I am using PHP with Laravel Framework.

How can I verify the signature on the backend and get the wallet address?


  • i've written a Laravel SDK for Elrond that can help you with that, or you can copy the logic from:

    note: it's still work in progress & mostly undocumented - i'd welcome any contributions

    to verify signatures coming from your dapp, you'd use it this way:

    $isValid = Elrond::crypto()->verifyLogin($token, $signature, $address);

    where $token is an arbitrary string unique to the user's session to avoid replay