I try to rotate object with mouse on a virtual sphere like MeshLab.
private void RotateCamera(Vector3 newDragPoint)
var rotAxis = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(oldDragPoint, newDragPoint));
var angle = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(oldDragPoint), Vector3.Normalize(newDragPoint));
double angleVal = Math.Acos(angle);
Matrix4 rotateMatrix = Matrix4.CreateFromAxisAngle(rotAxis, (float)(angleVal));
var modelViewMatrixTemp = rotateMatrix * modelViewMatrix;
At the beginning it works good, the model view matrix is:
Row0: {(0.99888134, -0.044642903, -0.0154874, 0)}
Row1: {(0.04587658, 0.9947593, 0.0913476, 0)}
Row2: {(0.011327561, -0.0919559, 0.9956961, 0)}
Row3: {(0, 0, -1, 1)}
but after a while if the rotation on x-y plane is big enough, the object start to rotate against the movement of mouse,
Row0: {(-0.9778508, -0.19920659, -0.06419495, 0)}
Row1: {(0.18042804, -0.95778984, 0.22378196, 0)}
Row2: {(-0.10606451, 0.20724255, 0.97251993, 0)}
Row3: {(0, 0, -1, 1)}
how to determine the angle under this kind of situation?
now I figured out the rotation is applied to the object with initial pose, not the rotated object, but still have no idea of how to fix it.
split the new rotation with old rotation will solve this problem.
keep the current rotation as oldRotation, then replace the line
var modelViewMatrixTemp = rotateMatrix * modelViewMatrix;
var modelViewMatrixTemp = oldRotation * rotateMatrix * modelViewMatrix;
oldRotation = oldRotation * rotateMatrix;
that will apply rotation on rotated object.