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When doing an embedded software update, should you wipe the entire application code, or only update the application partially?

When a company updates a product's embedded C code application firmware (via a bootloader on the microcontroller, or JTAG, etc.), do they normally flash a whole new .hex/.bin file that contains the new features + old software? Therefore, wiping out the old program entirely? Or is it standard to make partial application updates via separate .hex/.bin files?

I am asking this question because I want to know the best industry practice for releasing different embedded software packages. Ideally it would be nice to be able to flash specific updates for a feature of a project without updating the entire program memory.

For example: Lets say your project's embedded C software has 3 features:

  1. user input handling
  2. displaying an output
  3. Power supply management

If you had many software versions of each feature and wanted to test combinations of different versions, can you have separate .hex/.bin for each feature that gets flashed onto the MCU?


  • You can't really update the program partially unless you have designed certain parts of it as position-independent code and then linked those parts starting at fixed addresses. It can be done, but adds extra complexity during design.

    Otherwise if you haven't designed your program like this, the machine code will be full of absolute addresses and jump to the wrong places.

    The normal way is to update the whole program at once (perhaps minus any bootloader parts present). And optionally update data flash/eeprom separately.