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Binance API entering order gives me MIN_NOTIONAL

I'm currently using an open source Binance API from nuget, called Binance.Net from JKrof

I already have my API and keys in place, but when i tried to enter either Market or Limit order, using this....

// Market Order
var dd = await client.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync(order.symbol, side, SpotOrderType.Market, order.orderqty, null, order.clordid);

// Limit Order
var dd = await client.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync(order.symbol, side, SpotOrderType.Limit, order.orderqty, null, order.clordid, order.price, TimeInForce.GoodTillCanceled);

the Response is i get FAIL, and this is what it reads.....

   "OriginalData":"{\"code\":-1013,\"msg\":\"Filter failure: MIN_NOTIONAL\"}",
      "Message":"Filter failure: MIN_NOTIONAL"

I have no idea what this means, it seems the parameter i used is correct, What can i do to not use filter or anything. I dont understand even a market order i get this error.

Can anyone help?


  • ok, my qty is too low. i just needed to increase the qty. thanks