I want my for loop to break if -1 is entered but that doesn't seem to work in this case. I've tried it a few different ways but nothing seems to make it actually break.
struct employee{
char name[30];
float rate;
float hrsWorked;
int main()
struct employee staff[5];
int placeholder;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
printf("Enter name: ");
scanf("%d", &placeholder);
fgets(staff[i].name, sizeof(staff[i].name), stdin);
if (staff[i].name[0] == -1){
You are storing a string of characters in name
, so -
and 1
are two different characters.
This should work:
if (staff[i].name[0] == '-' && staff[i].name[1] == '1') break;