Using Jinzhu's GORM Package which is fantastic btw, I currently have this struct:
type User struct {
// The Users username
Username string `gorm:"size:255;unique;not null"`
// The Users email address
Email string `gorm:"size:255;unique;not null"`
// The Users hashed password
Password string `gorm:"size:255;not null"`
// The Users password confirmation (only for forms)
PasswordC string `gorm:"-"`
// The Users FULL NAME (e.g. Burt Reynolds)
Fullname string `gorm:"size:255; not null"`
// The Users Karma level
Karma int
// Is the user banned?
Banned bool
But I also use Gorilla's Schema
package so any form values populate the struct, but I don't want the PasswordC
to be saved into the database because it will be plain text as the normal Password
field gets bcrypt'd so any information on how to make GORM
not save the PasswordC
This is no longer correct. The code has been fixed, still use gorm:"-"