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How to test android app on all screen sizes

I've created my app but I decided to test it on all screens to be adaptive. Maybe testing it in MDPI(160dpi), HDPI(240dpi), XHDPI(320dpi), XXHDPI(480dpi) and XXXHDPI(640dpi) which corresponds to all screen sizes. However I tested my app on two devices support 320dpi. I thought that I get the same result but it don't. so don't know how to test my app on all screens. I'm confused.

I used Genymotion for emulators:
one with 720 * 1280 320dpi screenshot
and other with 1200 * 1920 320dpiscreenshot

Please help me with that or if there's another way to do it let me know.
thanks in advance


  • (Bunch of explanation about why this is happening, I put my suggestions in the last section)

    DPI isn't the same as size, it's just about how many pixels are packed into a certain area. The higher the DPI, the more pixels there are, meaning they're a lot smaller. So you can get fine detail, but it also means you need more of them to cover a physical distance or area on the screen.

    Which is why Android uses dp instead of raw pixel sizes most of the time - the standard minimum touch-target size is 48dp, but how many actual pixels that is depends on the pixel density of the display. For mdpi displays it'll actually be 48 pixels, for xxxhdpi it'll be 4x that amount

    It also means if you're doing your design work in dp, the pixel density of the screen doesn't matter - elements with a fixed size will always be broadly the same size on every screen (the mdpi etc buckets are like a "close enough" grouping, the devices in each group won't all have exactly the same DPI) because it's getting translated to the equivalent number of actual pixels. What testing does help with is checking your drawable assets look ok on different screen densities

    So you have two devices with the same DPI right?

    • 720 x 1280
    • 1200 x 1920

    Because they're the same DPI, those dimensions are converted to dp by the same factor. Let's work it out to be precise (but the exact numbers aren't important): 320 DPI is xhdpi according to that link up there, so 1dp = 2px. Let's convert those screen sizes to dp

    • 360dp x 640dp
    • 600dp x 960dp

    It's the same situation but hopefully having those sizes expressed in dp helps you see the problem - when you're designing a layout, you're working with dp, right? The available space you have to work with is defined in dp, and one of those has a whole lot more space than the other! Putting a 300 dp-wide TextView in the layout would almost fill the first one horizontally, but it would only cover half of the second. That's gonna look pretty different!

    This is why phones and tablets look so different - even if you have a relatively new phone, and an old Nexus 7 with a much lower resolution, the Nexus 7's screen is going to feel "bigger" and more "spacious". It's a physically larger device, so even though it's low-res, it's also low-density which means those pixels are spread across a larger area. Lower DPI means those pixels translate into more inches. And in the density-independent pixel (dp) system, that means you get way more dp to work with, more space for your layout. Which is what you want on a tablet, you don't want it to look and feel like a massive phone!

    That's why it's different - basically one of your devices has more space to work with than the other, because it has more pixels, and the same DPI so those pixels aren't just used for finer detail.

    As for testing, you need to look at different screen sizes - which is dependent on the resolution and the DPI. Basically pixels / DPI = size in inches. Do that for your two 320 DPI examples and you'll see one is a fair bit larger, physically, while having the same density

    Probably the easiest way to do this, really, is to look at your layout in the design view, and change the Preview Device setting at the top. Some of the Phone devices are more "spacious" than others, newer ones are taller, so go through them and see how your layout changes. Try a Tablet one and see what a lot of extra space does. And if you go down to the Generic Phones and Tablets section at the bottom, there are a bunch of reference devices in there, some of which will be very cramped!

    Once you've found a few useful ones, you can set up your emulator / virtual devices with each of their screen resolution / density combinations. I don't know about Genymotion, but the built-in AVD manager gives you a lot of those device definitions as templates when you create a new virtual device. You should at least be able to enter those settings yourself

    Also when you publish an app on the Play Store, they'll automatically run it on a bunch of reference devices and give you access to a bunch of screenshots, so you can see if there are any problems with certain screen sizes and fix them before you launch