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Sticky item content in RecyclerView

What is the best way to stick the content of a recyclerview items to the side of the screen. So that when the element goes off screen its content sticks to the side and goes with its parent only after there is no room in the rest of the element for that child.

I've attached the example where user scrolls left, so the red child of rv item is sticked to the left side of the screen.



  • Try this code in your view holder


    itemView.viewTreeObserver.addOnScrollChangedListener {
            val offset  = -itemView.left.toFloat()
            YOUR_RED_VIEW.translationX = offset.coerceAtLeast(0f)
            YOUR_RED_VIEW.translationZ = if (offset < 0) 2f else 0f


    itemView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnScrollChangedListener(() -> {
            float offset = (float) -itemView.getLeft();
            YOUR_RED_VIEW.setTranslationX((float) Math.max(offset,0f));
            YOUR_RED_VIEW.setTranslationZ(offset < 0 ? 2f : 0);