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How to configure pre-commit-config.yaml to work with poetry?

I am on Python 3.10.4 here and using a .pre-commit-config.yaml file in my Poetry 1.1.13 project that uses pyproject.toml

Here is what my .pre-commit-config.yaml looks like

# See for more information
# See for more hooks
  python: python3.10

default_stages: [commit, push]

  - repo: local
      - id: check-ast
        description: Simply checks whether the files parse as valid python.
        entry: check-ast
        name: Check python syntax
        language: system
        types: [python]

      - id: check-added-large-files
        description: prevents giant files from being committed.
        entry: check-added-large-files
        name: Check added large files
        language: system

      - id: check-json
        description: Checks json files for parseable syntax.
        entry: check-json
        name: Check JSON
        language: system
        types: [json]

      - id: check-toml
        description: Checks toml files for parseable syntax.
        entry: check-toml
        name: Check TOML
        language: system
        types: [toml]

      - id: check-yaml
        description: Checks yaml files for parseable syntax.
        entry: check-yaml
        name: Check YAML
        language: system
        types: [yaml]

      - id: end-of-file-fixer
        description: Ensures that a file is either empty, or ends with one newline.
        entry: end-of-file-fixer
        name: End of file fixer
        language: system

      - id: trailing-whitespace
        description: Trims trailing whitespace.
        entry: trailing-whitespace-fixer
        name: Trailing whitespace
        language: system

  - repo: local
      - args: ["--verbose"]
        id: flake8
        description: Command-line utility for enforcing style consistency across Python projects.
        entry: flake8
        name: flake8
        language: python
        require_serial: true
        types: [python]
      - args: ["--verbose"]
        id: black
        description: The uncompromising Python code formatter
        entry: black
        name: black
        language: python
        require_serial: true
        types: [python]
      - args: ["--verbose"]
        id: isort
        name: isort
        entry: isort
        require_serial: true
        language: python
        types: [python]
      - args: ["--verbose"]
        exclude: tests/.*$
        id: bandit
        name: bandit
        entry: bandit
        language: python
        types: [python]
      - args: ["--verbose"]
        id: mypy
        name: mypy
        entry: mypy
        language: python
        require_serial: true
        types: [python]

When I run a git commit -m "test" it fails with the following error

Check python syntax......................................................Failed
- hook id: check-ast
- exit code: 1

Executable `check-ast` not found

Check added large files..................................................Failed
- hook id: check-added-large-files
- exit code: 1

Executable `check-added-large-files` not found

Check JSON...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
Check TOML...............................................................Failed
- hook id: check-toml
- exit code: 1

Executable `check-toml` not found

Check YAML...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
End of file fixer........................................................Failed
- hook id: end-of-file-fixer
- exit code: 1

Executable `end-of-file-fixer` not found

Trailing whitespace......................................................Failed
- hook id: trailing-whitespace
- exit code: 1

Executable `trailing-whitespace-fixer` not found

- hook id: flake8
- exit code: 1

Executable `flake8` not found

- hook id: black
- exit code: 1

Executable `black` not found

- hook id: isort
- exit code: 1

Executable `isort` not found

- hook id: bandit
- exit code: 1

Executable `bandit` not found

- hook id: mypy
- exit code: 1

Executable `mypy` not found

How do I make pre-commit use the virtual environment created by poetry and use all its dependencies locally?


  • using pre-commit in the way you're looking for is not recommend and not supported. the point of pre-commit is it installs and manages your tools -- that way you don't have to have your contributors worry about installing each and every tool at the required version.

    that said, you can escape the supported path as you're doing with language: system -- but then it is on your contributors to have things set up properly and at the proper versions and with the proper virtualenv activated and with the proper versions installed in the virtualenv (which is error prone and generally a bad experience).

    the reason you're encountering problems is because you're holding it wrong :)

    disclaimer: I created pre-commit