Search code examples

How do I access a custom taxonomy created in Wordpress in Google Tag Manager?

I created a custom taxonomy in WordPress for article lengths. It's called 'Length' and these are the items within it: image

I also created a custom dimension in Google Analytics (it's index 5), and created a custom Data Layer variable in Google Tag Manager for it. But I think I am referencing the Data Layer Variable Name incorrectly and it is 'undefined' when I preview it in gtm.

I can see the taxonomy 'length' and it's classification 'standard' at the end of the class when I inspect the page, but I can't figure out what the Data Layer Variable Name is (I know I need to use dot notation).

Here's the code that shows when I inspect.

<article id="post-2784" class="post post-2784 type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-deforestacion category-gran-chaco length-standard">

How do I access the taxonomy correctly for gtm? I'm pretty sure it's just this that is incorrect and spent hours debugging and researching but can't figure it out.


  • I didn't try exactly what was suggested but for those wondering this is what worked for me:

      var length = document.querySelector("").className.split('length-')[1].split(' ')[0];
     return length; 

    I had an issue where it would track the dimensions on the homepage too (due to the wordpress theme), so I wrapped it in an if:

      var pagePath1 = document.location.pathname.split('?')[0];
      if (pagePath1 == '/' ){
    } else {
      var length = document.querySelector("").className.split('length-')[1].split(' ')[0];
     return length; 

    It works perfectly with my custom dimensions in Google Analytics and my custom taxonomies in Wordpress!