This question is not about programming, but about the explorer and files. Just I don't know where else to ask.
My laptop has two disks, one of them is 1000GB HDD and the other is 256GB SSD. I need to have more place on my SSD than I do now - 256GB'd be enough, but I have some troubles with my folders's weights.
To be more precise, my "Users" folder weights 60GB, both folders inside are shown to weight 60GB, but when I select all the files inside the biggest one I see the weight of 11GB.
I don't know why there is this problem, I didn't find any way to solve in the Internet and here.
Here are the shots: Users, Folders inside "Users", enter image description here
And it is not just a visual bug, I can't put files there since it is full as the explorer shows.
And, guys, if it is a wrong place to ask such questions, please, tell me the right ones.
You may have some hidden files in your Folder . To check : 1 - Select View > Options > Change folder and search options. 2 - Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and OK.