I am using Visual Studio 2015 with GIT Hub extension. I created an account on GIT hub using my personal email (GITemail@somedomain.com). When I see the push records from Visual Studio, it is using my other email (MyMailAccount@anotherdoamin.com) which I use for Office products. This account has nothing to do with GIT or GITHUB or VS or anything else which could be related to this action. There are no issues with the push itself but I am surprised that GIT is using a completely unrelated account to push code.
Is there a way to ensure that GIT does not use any other account of mine to do any of its actions?
I found the settings page under GIT HUB extension which had sneakily picked up my Windows details. I corrected it now and hopefully that will work.
P.S. How do I close the question for answers now?