If I have...
type TypeNonGeneric = { prop1: any, prop2: string };
How can I map this to...
type TypeGeneric<T> = { prop1: T, prop2: string };
I've looked at the docs and it seems that it needs to be a new generic type that would take TypeNonGeneric
as a parameter, iterate over its keys and if a property type is any
then it returns a "T" else leaves the type unchanged.
I would use the IfAny
utility type from this answer. We can then map over the passed type and check for any
for each property.
type IfAny<T, Y, N> = 0 extends (1 & T) ? Y : N;
type TypeGeneric<O, T> = {
[K in keyof O]: IfAny<O[K], T, O[K]>
Let's see an example:
type TypeNonGeneric = { prop1: any, prop2: string };
type Result = TypeGeneric<TypeNonGeneric, number>
// type Result = {
// prop1: number;
// prop2: string;
// }
or if you want to replace any
with T
type Result2<T> = TypeGeneric<TypeNonGeneric, T>
// type Result = {
// prop1: T;
// prop2: string;
// }