I'm trying to filter an influx DB query (using the nodeJS influxdb-client library). As far as I can tell, it only works with "flux" queries.
I would like to filter out all records that share a specific attribute with any record that matches a particular condition. I'm filtering using the filter-function, but I'm not sure how I can continue from there. Is this possible in a single query?
My filter looks something like this:
|> filter(fn:(r) => r["_value"] == 1 and r["button"] == "1" )
and I would like to leave out all the record that have the same r["session"]
as any that match this filter.
Do I need two queries; one to get those r["session"]
s and one to filter on those, or is it possible in one?
Trying the two-step process. Got the list of r["session"]
s into an array, and attempting to use the contains() flux function now to filter values included in that array called sessionsExclude
Flux query section:
|> filter(fn:(r) => contains(value: r["session"], set: ${sessionsExclude}))
Getting an error unexpected token for property key: INT ("102")'
. Not sure why. Looks like flux tries to turn the values into Integers? The r["session"] is also a String (and the example in the docs also uses an array of Strings)...
Ended up doing it in two queries. Still confused about the Strings vs Integers, but casting the value as an Int and printing out the array of r["session"]
within the query seems to work like this:
'|> filter(fn:(r) => not contains(value: int(v: r["session"]), set: [${sessionsExclude.join(",")}]))'
Added the "not" to exclude instead of retain the values matching the array...