In the following code I defined my own a-hl
with which I mean to replace the direct
call of append
in my code. It does not really replace it as it uses append under the hood (see the comment):
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket/base
(require racket/file)
(define (a-hl l e) (append l (list e)))
(define content (list " Road to the Arnold" " MIT Bitcoin Expo 2022: Breaking Through - Lightning Panel"))
(define arr (list))
(for ((l content))
;(set! arr (append arr (list (regexp-replace* #rx" .*" l "")))))
(set! arr (a-hl arr (regexp-replace* #rx" .*" l "")))); works just as well but it is shorter
(for ((e arr)) (display e))
The code works fine. But when I attempt to define my own append
, (define (append l e) (append l (list e)))
and that use it,
(for ((l content))
(set! arr (append arr (regexp-replace* #rx" .*" l ""))))
(for ((e arr)) (display e))
Racket freezes. Is it at all doable to replace a Racket's function with my custom function of the same name?
You can use Racket's require
's only-in
clause to give your own name to a binding from a module, and use that:
#lang racket
(require (only-in racket/base [append builtin-append]))
(define (append l e) (builtin-append l (list e)))
(writeln (append '(1 2 3) 4)) ; (1 2 3 4)
or use local-require
to import it only inside your function:
(define (append l e)
(local-require (only-in racket/base [append builtin-append]))
(builtin-append l (list e)))